The Vondel Park was created in 1865 on the initiative of a group of rich merchants. It got its name from a monument built in the park for the poet Joost van den Vondel. The park offers cafes and lawns on the water, the perfect place to relax in Amsterdam.
The Museumplein is a large park area between the Rijksmuseum and the Stedelijk Museum. Therefore many tourists relax in the park. Under the sloping meadow on the photo, there is a supermarket.
The Jordaan district is famous for the small backyard gardens. But for tourists they are hard to find, you should join a guided tour, to discover the most beautiful gardens. Some tours start at Johnny Jordaans Plein at Elandsgracht.
The IJ is not a river, but an inlet that connects the IJsselmeer with the North Sea. The IJ separates Amsterdam from Noord-Amsterdam, the word itself means water. As the Amsterdam harbor looses it's economic importance, the banks of the IJ are more and more transformed into residential areas and parks.
The northern bank of the IJ can be reached by ferry from the central station. The relatively new Oeverpark is right on the water and offers a beautiful view of the city and the passing ships. The futuristic film museum is also located here.
The Erasmuspark is located at Erasmusgracht, both of which are named after the humanist Desiderius Erasmus, who is known as "Erasmus of Rotterdam". The park is completely surrounded by a moat, which is covered by algae in the summer, shining green in the sun.
On the site of a former gas factory, there is now a small oasis in the middle of the city. The perfect place to relax in nature. There are also restaurants and cafes on the grounds of the "Westergasfabriek".
The "Westergasfabriek" is actually located in the "Westerpark". Nearby is Het Schip, an icon of modern architecture. The "Westerpark" is a classic park, with meadows and a small lake in the middle. If you want to read a book, this is the right place.
The wide sandy beaches on the Dutch North Sea coast begin about 25 km west of Amsterdam. One of the most famous seaside resorts is Zandvoort aan Zee, a few kilometers west of Haarlem. The small seaside resort is the closest beach to Amsterdam. South of Zandvoort stretch dunes for miles. In the town one beach club follows the next.
How to get there
Train runs from Amsterdam Centraal to Zandvoort aan Zee about every 30 minutes. The journey takes around 30 minutes. For prices and departure times, see the link to the Dutch rail company NS (Nederlandse Spoorwegen).