The archaeological site "Italica" is located about 8 km northwest of Seville, on the outskirts of Santiponce. The Roman city was founded in 206 BC to supply injured soldiers who defeated the Punians (Phoenicians / Carthaginians) at the Battle of Ilipa. In this battle near the present-day town of Alcala del Rio, Scipio was able to destroy the Carthaginians and conquer the Iberian Peninsula for Rome. The Battle of Ilipa was one of the decisive battles in the Second Punic War.
The city of Italica developed into a prosperous city in the Roman Empire. The emperors Trajan and Hadrian came from Italica. But Hispalis (Seville) was the economic center of the region. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the city fell into disrepair. After the Islamic invasion in 711, Italica was only used as a quarry. Nevertheless, a lot of the ancient Roman city is still preserved. There are many beautiful mosaics and a great arena. The most beautiful finds from Italica are in the Archaeological Museum of Seville. In the village of Santiponce you can visit the Roman theater of Italica.
How to get there
There are several bus routes that go from Seville to Santiponce. The departure point is the Estacion de Autobuses Plaza de Armas on Calle Torneo.
The pretty town of Carmona is about 40 km east of Seville, on a hill overlooking the wide plain. This hill above the Guadalquivir valley was settled since the Stone Age. The name Carmona comes from the Phoenicians who fortified and named the place Kar Hammon. Carmona was also an important city in the Roman Empire. Numerous finds in the necropolis indicate this. The foundations of an amphitheater were also excavated north of the Roman cemetery.
One of the most famous sights of Carmona is the Roman city gate Porta de Sevilla (photo), which was expanded into a fortification by the Moors. On the other side of the old town is the Alcázar de la Puerta de Marchena fortress. This palace was expanded by the Spanish Kings after the reconquest of Andalusia. The city gate Puerta de Cordoba and the market square Plaza de Abastos are also sights of Carmona.