The Grüne Soße (green sauce) is Frankfurt's national dish made from 7 herbs. The green sauce is usually served with 4 half eggs and boiled potatoes. It is also used as an accompaniment to boiled beef, schnitzel and fish dishes. Green sauce is eaten cold and is a typical summer dish. Frankfurt Green Sauce must be made from 70% herbs that have been grown in Frankfurt. The herbs parsley, chives, cress, borage, sorrel, pimpinelle and chervil are traditionally used.
The original Frankfurt sauce is green. As soon as you leave the Frankfurt city limits, the sauce becomes lighter and lighter. In Mainz it is almost white and tastes like nothing. Green sauce shouldn't be bought in the supermarket either. Many butchers sell homemade green sauce that tastes really good. The Kleinmarkthalle in the city center is a good address to buy or taste the original green sauce from Frankfurt.
The "Handkäs mit Musik" (hand cheese with music) is a raw milk cheese with less than 1% fat. The name comes from the manufacturing process, it used to be shaped by hand. The hand cheese is soaked in vinegar, oil, salt and pepper for several hours, which makes it soft and tasty. It is served with caraway seeds, raw onions (music), butter and bread. Hand cheese is only eaten with a knife, you don't get a fork. You spread some butter on the bread and cut off a small piece of hand cheese. You place it on the bread with a knife and bite off. This is repeated bite by bite. You always hold the bread in your hand because the plate is full of sauce or you put the bread briefly on a napkin.
The Frankfurter Sausage (Frankfurter Würstchen) is a thin boiled sausage made from pork, which develops a fine aroma through a special smoking process. The similar Viennese sausage was also made by a Frankfurt butcher who emigrated to Vienna. The difference is therefore small. However, the vienna sausage is often a bit thicker and has not been smoked. This gives the frankfurter sausage a finer taste. It's eaten with bread or potato salad and mustard.
The Frankfurt sausage was invented in Frankfurt's old town. At the Hühnermarkt, the Dey butcher shop is located exactly at this location. The Frankfurt sausages can be eaten hre as take away. Frankfurter sausages have to be nice and crisp to make them really tasty. To the left of the Römer, there are also good Frankfurters, in the Alten Limpurg sausage parlor.
Frankfurter Tafelspitz is boiled ox breast that is placed on the plate in two or 3 thin slices. As a side dish you usually get fried or boiled potatoes, lettuce and green sauce. The Tafelspitz is one of the most popular Frankfurt dishes that is on the menu in almost every cider restaurant. Tafelspitz is actually a specialty of Vienna. The Frankfurt variant differs in the side dishes and the sauce. A good boiled beef is soft and juicy.
The "Frankfurt rib" is cured but not, as the "Kassler", smoked. The meat is cooked about 45 minutes, with a large sip of apple wine. The "Rippchen" is served with mashed potatoes and sauerkraut.
Apple wine or "Äppelwoi" is the Frankfurt national drink. You drink it from the "Gerippten", a diamond-shaped ribbed glass. Groups order a "Bembel", an apple wine pitcher for 4,8,10 or 12 glases of wine. You can drink it "pure" or "sour" with water added or "sweet" with lemonade. Only girls and children are allowed to order "sweet" (Süßgespritzt). Unlike the fruity sweet cider, the Frankfurt apple wine is a sour, a refreshing summer drink.
The Haddekuche (hard cake) is a type of gingerbread made from wheat flour, sugar, butter, milk, cinnamon and spices. You can eat the cake with cider, mulled wine or just like that.
The Frankfurter Kranz is a multi-layered buttercream cake. It consists of several layers of sponge cake, each with a layer of buttercream and jam. The ring-shaped cake is coated with buttercream and sprinkled with brittle. A cherry on buttercream is added to each piece as a decoration.
You can get the Frankfurter Kranz in almost every bakery in Frankfurt. If you want to try a really good Frankfurter Kranz, you should go to the ConditCouture confectionery (Fahrtor 1) or the Goldene Waage coffee house (Marktstrasse 5).
The "Bethmännchen" were first made by Mrs. Bethmann. They are made of marzipan dough, powdered sugar and rose water, glazed with egg yolk and decorated with three almond halves. The family had four sons, when one died, only three almond halves were used as ornamentation. The "Bethmännchen" are the most famous sweets of the Frankfurt Christmas market.
Frankfurt specialties
The "Frankfurt Kitchen" differs significantly from other regions in Germany. Green sauce, hand cheese with music and "Äppelwoi" are among the most famous local specialties after the famous "Frankfurt Sausages". These specialties from Frankfurt can be found in the well-known apple wine bars in Sachsenhausen and other parts of the city. check > Restaurants in Frankfurt